Spiritual strength, Science and Spirituality, Spiritual powers, Spiritual disciplines

Road to Bliss

Just as a fire does not get extinguished by adding fuel to and pouring ghee on it, on the other hand, it blazes all the more, so the soul’s craving for enjoyment does not cease through self-indulgence; on the other hand, it grows stronger. The mind is never sated with luxuries. It never feels contended with
Maa Kali photos
Maa Kali photos
 possessions. It is never gratified or composed even if one comes to have everything existing all over the world—sons and relations, wealth and power, authority and position, honour and fame of the entire world.

So long as there is unrest in the mind, you cannot attain happiness, much less enjoy bliss. Just as the light of a lamp remains unsteady in a disturbed atmosphere, so that cannot see even things near at hand, so a disturbed and restless mind is unable to perceive God, the Supreme Reality who is so proximate to us, and His integrally blissful character; and runs about in quest of it throughout the outside world. Therefore, try to divest your mind of all cravings.

Spiritual strength
Science and Spirituality
Spiritual powers
Spiritual disciplines

Spiritual strength of God Shiva
Spiritual strength of God Shiva
Hankering is overcome by contentment alone. Contentment is not synonymous with sloth or lack of industry or despondency born of frustration. Suppose you eagerly longed for an object and strained every nerve to attain it, but could not. Now if you cease from further striving and reconcile yourself to your lot, this spirit of forced resignation does not fall under the category of contentment. So long as the longing is there, your contentment has no meaning. Contentment, truly speaking, is a royal road to the enjoyment of happiness and bliss, access to which is had by reposing faith in the benign dispensation of God or by establishing oneself in the eternally blissful character of the self.

  • Spiritual strength
  • Spiritual powers
  • Spiritual disciplines
  • Science and Spirituality

Spiritual strength,  Science and Spirituality, Spiritual powers, Spiritual disciplines
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