what is hinduism, hinduism india

Just as ice consists of water alone, an earthen jar consists of earth and earth alone, a gold necklace consists of gold and gold alone, a piece of cloth consists of yarn and yarn alone, so does this animate and inanimate creation consists of God and God alone. There is nothing besides God in this world. But God is not confined to this world alone; He exists even beyond it.
Hinduism photos
Hinduism photos

Ice will cease to exist if there is no water; an earthen jar will cease to exist if there is no earth; a gold necklace will cease to exist if there is no gold and a piece of cloth will cease to exist of there is no yarn. Even so the world will cease to exist if there is no yarn. Even so the world will cease to exist if there is no God. On the other hand, water continues to exist even when there is no ice; earth persists even when there is no earthen jar; gold is there even when there are no necklace and yarn remains even when there is no cloth. Similarly God exists even when there is no creation.

Hinduism Goddess Laxmi mata
Hinduism Goddess Laxmi mata
Countless millions of universes exist in a fraction of the Godhead; God’s infinitude knows no bounds. Just as the world consists of nothing else than God, whatever is happening in the world is nothing but a pastime of God. And the sportive Lord and His sport are essentially the same.

God’s Grace—Your Great Refuge

That eternally existent Lord alone is the bestower of bliss, the centre of bliss, bliss personified. He can be reached  only by His bounteous grace, and to that grace everybody has ever an indefeasible claim, inasmuch as it belongs to Him who is the natural Well-Wisher of all. If you regard it as something difficult to attain and over which you have to legitimate claim, then, you will surely remain deprived of it. On the other hand, as soon as you lay claim to it, it will come to be in your possession and ending all your trials and tribulations will deluge your heart with an endless enrapturing ocean of supreme peace.

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Beliefs of hinduism buddhism images pictures wallpapers photos

Beliefs of hinduism
God alone comprises all and at the same time it is He who transcends all. God alone is manifest in the form of countless universes and he alone stands apart from them all and is absolutely formless. It is He who does everything and He alone is absolutely action less. God alone is endowed with endless inconceivable beatific virtues and He alone I entirely devoid of attributes. Thus God is He Who manifests Himself in diagonally opposite attributes, forms and states of existence at one and the same time, and is yet altogether and ever beyond them all.
Beliefs of hinduism God
Beliefs of hinduism God

Conceiving God as such, he who worships Him seeing Him everywhere and in all, speedily realizes Him and becomes one with Him. This very God eternally resides in the transcendent regions consisting of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss, in the divine forms of Sri Mahavishnu, Sri Sadasiva, Sri Rama, Sri Krsna and so on—which are all supremely delightful and enchanting, are embodiments of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss and endowed with a beauty which knows no end and never grows old. Descending on earth from time to time, it is he who contributes to the supreme blessedness of living beings of this world. God is veritable wish-yielding tree to His devotes. Which whatever attitude of mind the devotee worships Him, the Lord allows Himself to be realized by Him in conformity with the former’s mental attitude and predilection. Nay, He gratifies his desires and, snapping his knots of ignorance, conveys him to His own Divine Abode.
The Lord’s supreme Divine abode is no other than the Lord. The Lord’s embodied form, His Name, Sports and Abode is no region as such: it is a Reality consisting of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss. Similarly His embodied form, name and sports even as such are all realities consisting of Truth, consciousness and Bliss. There is no material tinge, no element
Beliefs of hinduism God Photos
Beliefs of hinduism God Photos
 of Maya in them. Far from being conditioned existences, subject to old age and death, and appearing only at an intermediate stage, they are essentially divine, eternal, and absolutely real, beyond space and time and embodiments of Consciousness and Bliss.

All these trials and tribulations of the world, all sorrow and dejection, all wants and grievances are there only so long as you have not had a vision of the Lord’s grace. The moment your mind gets a glimpse of the Divine Grace, its supreme might will sweep away all your wants.

The feeling of want is a creation of the mind; and the thought of a thing, which is really non-existent, does not obviate this feeling of want. That is why every sense-object gained goes to multiply our wants. Wants will go only when you attain that real entity—which exists; ever exists and will eternally exist; and that real entity is God who is eternally true.

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who is god what is god god is

Nothing Apart from God

The world is permeated by God—is full of Him in the same way as a gold necklace is full of gold or a piece of ice is full of water and water alone. Look at a gold necklace from any side, at any point, externally or internally and you will find that it is gold and gold alone. Similarly in the form of ice there is water and water alone on all sides, both externally and internally. Even so, the entire universe is exclusively full of God alone.

The gold necklace was gold before it took that shape: it will continue to be gold even when it has been melted and it is nothing but gold even when is visible in the shape of a necklace. Only the name and shape of necklace have been conceived in gold for its being used as an ornament. Similarly, ice too was water before freezing; it will continue to be so after melting and is nothing but water when frozen into ice. Only a separate name and shape have been conceived by us. Even so, God existed before the creation of the world, he continues to exists even when the world is no more and it is God alone who exists in the form of the world. It is by way of sport and for the sake of sport, that He stands revealed in the form of the universe.

If we take away gold from the necklace, nothing remains and if water is taken away from the ice nothing is left as a residue. The name and form disappear; for it was gold that had assumed the name and shape of necklace and because it was water alone that had turned into a solid mass and became known as ice. In the same way, if God is withdrawn the world ceases to exist; it is in God Himself that the name and form of the world stand conceived.

God’s Grace—Your Great Refuge

As the Lord Himself is eternally the same and uniform, so is His universal love, which constitutes his very nature. You remain unhappy and miserable because you fancy yourself most unfortunate, degraded and wretched, even though you are ever and in every way the beloved of Him who is All-powerful and all knowing, the Supreme Ruler of all the worlds. Get rid of this false notion. Realize the Lord’s kindness, His benevolence and His love; and treating His grace as your asset—something which you can claim as your own—enrich your life with the same.

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Meaning of God, Existence of God, God almighty

Baba Balak Nath pictures
Baba Balak Nath pictures
Just as a gold necklace and ice have no existence apart from their material cause, viz., gold and water, the world has no existence apart from its material cause, God; God and God alone exists in the world. If God is divorced from the world, the latter will cease to exist in the same way as a necklace and ice do when gold and water are separated from them. 

Although the material cause in the cause of a gold necklace can be the efficient cause in the case of ice, a goldsmith can be the efficient cause in the case if the ice is machine-made. But such is not the case with regard to the world. So far as the creation of the world is concerned, the material cause or the stuff of which it is made is not different from the Efficient Cause or the Maker. Just as the spider takes out the saliva from within  itself and weaves a web out of it, and even as water freezes of itself into ice due to cold in the atmosphere, so God Himself enters into the constitution of the world and He is known as the Material-cum-efficient Cause of the world.
Maa Luxmi Wallpapers
Maa Luxmi Wallpapers

Just as the rosary made of thread-beads strung on the same thread there is thread and thread alone, in the same way it is in God alone that the world exists and it is God alone who stands revealed in the form of the world. There is nothing else apart from Him. Realize this truth and become one with Him without any effort.

God’s Grace—Your Great Refuge

You are qualified for the Lord’s grace, a fit recipient of his love. Indeed, you are His own and beloved too. Whatever the world may think of you, whatever you may appears in the eyes of the world –miserable, unhappy, detested, humiliated, neglected, destitute or even filthy—this does not in any way lessen His love and affection for you. A doubt about his slackness would arise only in the event of a change in the nature of the Lord’s the friend of all creatures.

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Definition of god

The Reality behind Duality
It is the personality of the Lord as united with His divine potency that is designated as His dual form or dual personality. This potency of the Lord is ever united with Him and it is due to this potency that the Lord is potent and it is for this reason that He is ever present in his dual form. But this dual form of His is not like a pair of individuals or objects existing at one and the same place, indifferent to and entirely independent of each other. Though essentially one, the two forms are manifested independently only to introduce His charming Lila. If we reject the one, the other will be altogether untraceable.

Just as duality always exists in the concept of a substance and its potency, a category and its cognizability, a substantive and its adjuncts, a word and its meaning, the sun and its effulgence, fire and its burning capacity, so there is duality in Brahma. Perpetually two (not only in the relative plane but in reality too), they are eternally one; and eternally one, they are perpetually two; perpetually apart, they are eternally identical; and eternally identical, they are perpetually apart. They are always two in one and perpetually one in two.

Brahma which constitutes the Supreme Reality transcends all and yet enters all as their cause. It is through Brahma as the Cause of all that we get a clue to the transcendent Reality and the transcendent Reality, again, is the ground of that which enters all as their cause. Really speaking, the non-dual and integral, substance of Brahma embraces both these aspects. That Ultimate and Supreme Reality is one without a second, entirely beyond time and space and above all states and transformation absolutely unlimited and consisting of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss; and again it is that Reality which is revealing Its enrapturing and absolute existence consisting of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss through all space and time and through all states and changes. While, on the one hand, it is absolutely unrelated to and unlike anything perceptible, comprehensible, describable, thinkable or conceivable, the same indestructible and absolute Supreme Spirit—which is beyond time, beyond all states and transformation, beyond the ken of the senses, mind and intellect, all-tranquil and infinite—is simultaneously ever present at all times and in all space, in all existences and in all states.

God’s Grace—Your Great Refuge

So long as you feel that you are under an unlucky star and in deep distress, miserable, shelter less, frustrated and desolate, you have not availed yourself of the supreme strength of the Lord’s grace. The moment a man begins to lean on His Grace, his star assumes a lucky aspect; the clouds of misfortune get dissipated at once. And having got this supreme anchorage the mind is filled with delight; the feeling of frustration and desolation vanishes for ever. Can such morbid feelings of despair and helplessness linger in the mind of one who has taken refuge in the grace of the Lord?

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Son of god

God's Grace

The same Supreme Spirit—constituting the Highest Reality and transcending
all—is the Cause of all causes, all-pervading, interpenetrating all and the inner Controller of all. The same most subtle, ever undifferentiated, immutable non-dual Supreme Reality is the source of all created beings, moving as well as stationary, nay, the sole material as well as the efficient Cause of the endless variety of substances. It lies beyond the universe and is at the same time the Maker of the universe, the knower of the universe and the universe itself.

God Images
God Images

It is the one supreme reality, God, that has become many in fact, it neither passes from one state to another nor wills to do so, nor again does Its natural and eternal existence ever undergo any change. Motion and rest, manifest and unmanifest, activity and withdrawal from activity, sensuality and abstemiousness, spiritual Endeavour and its consummation, desire and its goal, past and future, remote and near, one and many—all these ever stand unified in that Supreme Spirit; for that integral substance—consisting of Truth, Consciousness and Bliss—is absolutely undifferentiated. In that undifferentiated state the Supreme Spirit, ever existent as consciousness solidified, stands perpetually embracing contrary attributes.
Shiv Shankar Images
Shiv Shankar Images

Shirdi sathya sai baba
Shirdi sathya sai baba

Since there can be no sport without a second, the eternally sportive Lord ever goes in a pair. It is out of question for Him to undergo any change of circumstances due to passage of time. That is why; he ever goes in a pair and in this eternal duality lies His integral unity. His eternal duality lies His integral unity. His eternal revelry in His own Self—His unceasing enjoyment of His own infinite presence, infinite wisdom, infinite lordship, infinite beauty and infinite charm goes on uninterrupted. He alone is sweetness—worth relishing and He Himself is Lord Narayana; He is Goddess Lakshmi and He himself is Lord Narayna; He is Goddess Uma (Parvati) and He alone is Lord Maheshwara; He is Sri Krsna; He is Sakti (the divine potency) and it is He who is possessed of this potency; He is the beloved and He alone is the lover. This ever delightful dual personality of His as well as His transcendent amorous pastime is eternal, real and everlasting.

God’s Grace—Your Great Refuge

Just as darkness disperses with the rising of the sun, even so life’s trials and turmoil’s cease the moment one equips oneself with the strength of the Lord’s grace.
The so-called troubles and difficulties exist only in your mind, steeped in carnality and viewing this phenomenal world as real, which creates around itself Cimmerian darkness. Armed with the strength of Divine Grace, it gets disillusioned and cleansed of all impurities. Thereafter it never dreams of any trouble whatsoever; everywhere and at all times it enjoys the ever blissful vision of the Lord’s grace.

Pairs of opposites such as  life and death, union and separation, gain or loss, honour and ignominy, applause and censure, victory and defeat, no longer affect the mind; on the other hand, they all become delightful facets of the benign Lila (Sport) of the All-gracious Lord.

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Oneness of god, Greatness of God Images pictures photos wallpapers

Goal of Human life : 
Greatness of God

A human being in the true acceptance of the term is he who is endowed with humanity. And humanity mainly consists in directing the course of one’s life towards God and marching towards one’s life towards God and marching towards one’s own true welfare. If this is lacking, a man is no better than a brute. Eating food, going to sleep, fear of enemies and danger, copulating with a member of the opposite sex and giving vent to anger—all these traits are found in a beast is that the former can give his thought to his own welfare, strive towards that end and attain it. He who lacks this discrimination is a mere beast in human semblance.

Greatness of God Shiva
Greatness of God Shiva

Man is possessed of intelligence bestowed on him by God and he has been allowed freedom of action. Turning this intelligence and freedom of action to good account, he cannot only grow to be a superman or a god but can even attain the divine state, the supreme goal of human existence. If, on the other hand, he abuses his divine gift, he lapses into transgression and turns a veritable demon. He then becomes a positive source of torment to the living creation by doing serious harm to them every moment by his vilest devilish acts. Consequently he is deprived of God-realization or salvation.

Oneness of god Shiva photos
Oneness of god Shiva photos
Such a demon in human garb strives incessantly for securing and enjoying luxuries, making this the sole aim of his life, and remains engrossed in endless worries and engaged in evil practices till the last moment of his life. In this way his human life is not only entirely wasted but he is repeatedly cast into contemptible demoniac wombs and even into the infernal regions, which are worse than the former. Far from being a means of redemption, human life proves a terrible curse for him. This constitutes a most tragic failure of human life, resulting from its perversion.

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Spirituality and health

There is only one momentous work for accomplishing which you have come to this world and which could not so far be accomplished in any other species. That momentous work is to realize God and for that you are thoroughly qualified. But forgetting this most sacred object of your life, you are madly running after animate beings and inanimate objects that are sure to betray you in the end, and that you will have to leave behind while departing from this world. You will then have no choice left to you but to repent.

God realization alone is the supreme end of your life. Therefore, perform all your duties for the sake of his pleasure alone. Constantly merged in His thought, worship Him with every act of yours. Do everything efficiently and well; make no slips. Do not spoil your work through sloth or error. But do it for His sake alone. Purge your mind of all hopes and aspirations.

Acts done for the sake of God are only those which are free from attachment and are not motivated by the desire for self-gratification, nay, which are marked by indifference in the matter of result—whether it is favourable or unfavourable and which are neither prejudicial to the interests of any other creature or mar other’s happiness are not intended to please the Lord. They will never brings happiness by marring the happiness of others is really very unfortunate. Such actions evoke His displeasure and bring infinite woes in their wake. Therefore, constantly beholding His presence in all creatures, propitiate Him through benevolent service to all. Never forget the goal of your human life and fulfill your human existence by attaining this goal before you leave this body.

There is only one momentous work for accomplishing which you have come to this world and which could not so far be accomplished in any other species. That momentous work is to realize God and for that you are thoroughly qualified. But forgetting this most sacred object of your life, you are madly running after animate beings and inanimate objects that are sure to betray you in the end, and that you will have to leave behind while departing from this world. You will then have no choice left to you but to repent.

God realization alone is the supreme end of your life. Therefore, perform all your duties for the sake of his pleasure alone. Constantly merged in His thought, worship Him with every act of yours. Do everything efficiently and well; make no slips. Do not spoil your work through sloth or error. But do it for His sake alone. Purge your mind of all hopes and aspirations.

Acts done for the sake of God are only those which are free from attachment and are not motivated by the desire for self-gratification, nay, which are marked by indifference in the matter of result—whether it is favourable or unfavourable and which are neither prejudicial to the interests of any other creature or mar other’s happiness are not intended to please the Lord. They will never brings happiness by marring the happiness of others is really very unfortunate. Such actions evoke His displeasure and bring infinite woes in their wake. Therefore, constantly beholding His presence in all creatures, propitiate Him through benevolent service to all. Never forget the goal of your human life and fulfill your human existence by attaining this goal before you leave this body.

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spiritual wisdom, spiritual retreat, spirituality magazine

Life's paramount duty: Spiritual Wisdom

God is beyond all and yet embraces all. There is no space or time, no object or living being, no concept or view, in which God is not ever ceaselessly and continually present. To tell you the truth everything in substance is He.

Despite such a God, who is all embracing  and ever present everywhere, you are deprive of the privilege of realizing Him—of attaining eternal peace consequent on God-realization—only because He is not your goal. If God be your goal and if it is believed that He this qualified or unqualified, with or without form, you see and in whatever light you see it; for God is the only all-pervading universal reality.

Your human life is intended for God-realization alone, and the latter depends on your own one-pointed desire. The utility and fruition of life lies on God-realization alone, without which everything is useless and a curse.

Construction and destruction, coming into existence and ceasing to exist, union and separation constitute the very nature of the world. If you seek to turn its objects into something ever in the process of making, ever-existing and ever united it will be a wild-goose chase on your part. This can never happen. Here life is invariably wedded to death. And if by chance an object proves to be comparatively long-lived, it will be wrong to believe that the same will be of the nature of bliss alone. So long as it is haunted by a desire to supply the wants, nothing can ever give pleasure to you. To tell you the truth, the soul can never be free from want until it has realized God—who is perfect, eternal, true and spiritual. The soul being an eternal part of God, it naturally craves for the perfect, the eternal, the true and the all-conscious. How can objects which are imperfect, transient, unreal and lifeless satisfy its wants?

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