How to overcome Anger and Art of living with the family

How to overcome Anger

In today’s world a working man is facing different problems in one of them is anger.
There is a formula for solving any every question. You can solve a question easily by knowing the formula. If you know the formulae than you can be easily solved the answer or problem very easily other you have to suffer.
Now the question is how to overcome anger. According to GIta anger sprouts forth from desire. Everybody generally thinks that desire means the wish to get money, property and riches etc. This is also desired. But the real desire is that things should be favorable. If your desire is not fulfilled, you definitely get angry.
There is no gain of having a desire because others such as your wife, sons and servants cannot fulfil your desire and the same in the case of women. You should always be ready to fulfil your desire otherwise the right you have got to desires which are different from yours.

If you want peace, root out your pride

If you want peace, root out your pride because it is the root of all the demonic traits. All the demonic traits such as anger, greed, hypocrisy and jealousy etc.

What is the method of root out your pride?

Those who don’t obey you and don’t do as you wish, will root out your pride. While those who do as you wish will strengthen your pride. Therefore who don’t obey you are your well wishers and you should feel thankful to them and they are very kind to you because they remove the demonic threats from you and bring forth divine virtues in you.

Secondly if you don’t behave pride and authority but behave politely with them, they will be influenced by your good behavior and will not be not be impertinent they themselves suffer and you can advise them politely but again if they don’t accept your advice, you should not loose temper and patience because if they become impertinent they themselves suffer and their suffering will warn them and then their impertinence will perish away.

Art of living with the family

You should have to live with the member of your family,therefore learn the art of living in the family. The art is that you perform you should perform your duty towards your wife, sons, parents, nephews, nieces, brothers and relatives. You should not expect them to perform their duty, because as soon as you see their defects and duty it means that you have forgotten your duty. You should not find faults of others, moreover don’t see the defects of others because if you do that the defects spring up into you and if you try to save others from impertinence you got angry. It is your duty to give advice to your children but it is not your duty to force them to do so. If they and agree then it is fine, but if they don’t obey, then also it should not create any problem because you will be free from your responsibility and later they will realize their defects and errors.

Injustice or Sins

Don’t accept injustice and sins. The individual should perform their duty by advising their children for their welfare. Then it is their duty to accept it or not. If they performing their duty by obeying you, it will lead you to benediction. But if they don’t obey you they will suffer but you will not be at a loss, because you have done your duty by advising your children for their welfare. This is something you can think very valuable.

  • How to overcome Anger
  • Art of living with the family
  • Amger Management

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Tagged: anger management, art of living, living with family, injustice or sin, What is the method of root out your pride, Art of living with the family, article, how to write a good article, Art of living with the family
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